How often should you check your Auto Insurance Rates? You should check your Auto Insurance Rates every 1-3 years. Although there is no right or wrong answer there are a lot of ways to determine what’s best for you. Did you recently finish one of those credit repair programs, get married, separate from someone who is accident prone, have a ticket/accident fall off, or just wonder am I paying to much for auto insurance. There are many factors to consider, but there no harm in checking. Most insurance companies or Agencies like Metro Auto Insurance Agency can provide you a no cost auto insurance quote. We don’t like saying free because it can definitely cost you. How much you may ask, it’s not in monetary figures but time. No one wants to spend on average 30 minutes or more answering questions about an insurance policy you’re really not even interested in buying yet. Thats why working with Agents like our professional staff at Metro Auto Insurance Agency who have access to multiple carriers can offer you better rate than others. Because when you answer those question with us, we are checking with 5 – 10 sometimes more carriers and comparing rates. It could be an auto insurance policy or a business insurance policy. We will do the work for you and search to our best ability to find you a competitive alternative to what you have. But hey we can’t always provide better rates, that’s why carriers offer accident forgiveness and loyalty discounts. In those cases, we will Gladley tell you not yet, the company you have is very competitive.